Tall Black Guy x Allysha Joy – Sip Of You

Low Key Source continues their collaborative series of tracks from artists across the globe this time pairing up Detroit producer Tall Black Guy and Melbourne vocalist Allysha Joy for the song “Sip Of You”.
From humble origins in Detroit, raised on a healthy diet of Motown, Jazz and early Hip Hop – Terrel Wallace (aka Tall Black Guy) has become a standard bearer for the current Hip Hop beats scene.
Allysha Joy is best known for performing in Melbourne Hip Hop collective 30/70, and their success over the past two years lead to further challenging her expression in a project of her own, releasing her first solo record “Acadie : Raw” on Gondwana Records.
“Sip Of You” has it’s feet firmly planted in the golden era but all the while still managing to sound futuristic and of the moment. Allysha laces the jazz influenced production effortlessly with her own signature soulful vocals, pulling the listener gently in.